Structural Integration + MyoFascial Dynamics + Body Psychology
Approved for NCBTMB CE
Upcoming Dates:
Cervicals, Shoulders, and Arms (16CEs) in Orlando, FL, June 21-22, 2025
Pelvis, Upper Leg, and Lumbar Spine (21 CEs) in Omaha, NE, August 1-3, 2025 (Register Here)
Structural & Functional Assessments for Improving Therapeutic Results (12 CEs) in Orlando FL, August 9-10, 2025
Thoracics, Abdominals, Chest, and Shoulder in San Rafael, CA, November 1-2, 2025
““One individual may experience his losing fight with gravity as a sharp pain in the back, another as the unflattering contour of his body, another as constant fatigue, and yet another as an unrelenting threatening environment. Those over forty may call it old age; yet all of these signs may be pointing to a single problem so prominent in their own structures that it has been ignored: they are off balance, they are at war with gravity.””
“I got so much more out of these 3 days than any other CE I have taken. When I came in I couldn’t breathe. When I left, not only could I breathe well, but my entire body (self and knowledge) is better, more straight, and I understand how to help others in the same way.”
Structural Dynamics provides the practitioner with a powerful tool to reorganize the bodies’ posture, movement patterns and emotional holding patterns. Learn to see and treat the body through an integrated lens that incorporates Structural Integration concepts with Functional Movement and Embodiment. Understanding function - how the body moves as a whole through space and how individual parts move in relation to each other to create efficient motion - is fundamental to guiding structural work.
When the body has been under chronic emotional or physical stress, it will compensate in the liquid crystal matrix of the body, known as the fascial system. The fascia is not only the connective tissue of the body but also a medium for communication, movement, projection and protection. When the fascia is compromised, it shortens and has a dramatic effect on the all levels of health, flexibility, adaptability, movement and posture. While in this class you will learn how to have a greater impact on the physical body and work with its functional, structural and energetic dynamics.
Students who have taken this training report dramatic shifts in the efficacy of their work. Clients tend to feel more embodied structural and functional changes thus resulting in more powerful sessions and lasting benefits.
“Best Class anyone can ever take to accomplish outstanding results to improve clients. I’m looking forward to achieving better outcomes with clients!”
The modules
Structural Dynamics is divided into 4 stand alone modules, each two or three days. There is so much to understand and experience in each area of the body, this approach allows us to dive deep. Each module includes an overview/review of foundational Structural and Functional concepts followed by an in depth exploration of the area of focus. We utilize embodied anatomical study, functional movement, and hands on functional and myofascial release to help you fully understand and work with the functional and structural dynamics of every aspect of the body. Of course the entire body is connected so you’ll learn how dysfunction elsewhere affects the area of focus as well as how dysfunction in the area of focus may impact and show up in other areas.
Structural Dynamics moves beyond releasing tissue, relaxing someone on a table, or creating static postural alignment. You’ll learn to understand the body through a more dynamic lens based on structural relationships and how it functions in relation to gravity, environment, and itself.
Feet & Lower legs (2 days)
Our feet are the part of body most often in physical contact with our environment and they bear the fullest force of our weight. There are 26 bones, 33 joints, and over 100 muscles, ligaments, and tendons allowing for incredible force absorption, force generation, motion, and stability. And if things aren’t going well in the feet, it reverberates through the entire body.
Experience where and how the bones and muscles of the feet and lower legs move and learn to work with your clients to release functional restrictions and restore motion and stability throughout the system.
Pelvis, Upper Legs, & Lumbar Spine (3 days)
It contains our center of gravity and is the fulcrum between the three longest levers in the body - functionally and structurally the pelvis is central to the body. A small deviation, tilt, or rotation leads to compensations in the skeletal and myofascial systems throughout the body. Most structural and functional issues start at or at least run through the pelvis so it is a great place to start in unwinding restriction and restoring dynamic motion and alignment.
Learn to understand and address those stubborn lower back, hip, and even shoulder issues and beyond through working with pelvic structural dynamics.
Thoracic Spine, Abdominals, Chest, & Shoulders (3 days)
This module covers a lot of ground but all of these pieces work together so intimately, it’s impossible to teach them separately. A lack of thoracic mobility, particularly extension, may be the chronic structural/functional issue of our time. (Tied with tight hip flexors.) Sometimes a symptom (of over core training and/or poor posture) and often a cause of restricted function throughout the body. In this module, we’ll rework our understanding of “core” to help you (and your clients) experience more dynamic, liberated, upright posture that allows for full range of motion, full breath, and dynamic stability.
Cervical Spine and Upper Shoulder (3 days)
The cervical spine is the most flexible aspect of the spine and often where people end up feeling pain and restrictions from restricted function elsewhere (such as the lower leg, hip flexors, or thoracic spine for example.) This course uses the Structural Dynamics approach to focus on the dynamics of the cervical spine, shoulder and arm. Both highly mobile, the shoulder girdle and cervical spine can compensate for restriction and poor function elsewhere in the body, often leading to strain injuries or chronic tension patterns. Understand the structural and functional dynamics of each vertebrae in the cervical spine and the shoulder girdle, as well as between these and the rest of the body in order to release tension and restore function. Learn to work neck issues through a functional and structural lens to relieve pain and improve motion.
“I am grateful for the awareness brought on by/during this class - I have gained better flexibility overall and better spinal mobility that allows better breathing, while also releasing tension and pain.”
Overall Course Objectives
Understand the anatomy and function of the fascial system.
Embody bone rhythms and 3-dimensional motion throughout the body to better understand and work with functional and dysfunctional patterns throughout the body
Learn to engage with the myofascial system to facilitate release, reorganization, and functional restoration.
Learn specific techniques and strategies to release fascial restrictions - both structurally and functionally.
Understand how the fascial system compensates within itself to heal and provide protection.
Learn how these compensations also may hold harmful belief systems, attitudes and pathologies that often will not resolve until the fascia is reorganized into a healthier pattern.
Use the five senses internally for better body awareness on all levels.
Understand the relationships of body parts and systems, and how these relationships can be related to dysfunction within the bodymind.
Understand the body’s relationship with gravity and pressure forces and how they may lead to chronic pain and emotional stress.
Experience and enhance tensegrity and instrinsic balance within the body.
Learn how to be heart centered as you work to ensure that you are merely holding the space as a facilitator, giving you better results and protection from your client’s energies.
Feel the fascial system untangle and reorganize in your own body as a means of self care.
Learn how to project your awareness into your clients so that you can have more accurate and effective releases.
Key Structural Concepts
Means “tensional integrity”. The bones and fascial tissues of the body form a complex unit of tensional and compressive dynamics that allow the body to be very light weight and flexible while allowing for great strength and durability. When a body is in harmony, the tensegrity complex is at ease and the bodymind functions extremely efficiently. When facial compensations occur, the tensegrity structure is compromised which can lead to extensive postural, biomechanical, emotional and energetic restrictions.
Relationships and Relatedness
Each cell and body part has a relationship with all of the other cells in the bodymind. Poor relationships in the body mind can be related to symptoms and compensations in other systems within the body mind. For instance: “What is the relationship of the foot and knee and how is this related to the head position, indigestion or pathological fear of the client?” Learn how to assess and optimize the relationships in your clients' bodies to improve structure, function, and even emotional and mental patterns.
Fascial Storage and Compensations
Learn the bodymind's attitudinal storage and compensation patterns. For example: The body may store or anchor insecurity and controlling beliefs systems in the lower leg via fascial restriction. The fascial system will then have to compensate throughout, leading to more tension. Eventually the neck fascia will restrict and harbor its own pathological attitudes such as anger and bitterness. As you can see if these attitudes are being played out, we may be led via priority to release the holding patterns of the control consciousness before the compensating anger can be resolved.
““In every block of marble I see a statue as plain as though it stood before me, shaped and perfect in attitude and action. I have only to hew away the rough walls that imprison the lovely apparition to reveal it to the other eyes as mine see it.””