

Want to deep dive? Check out some recent podcasts, articles, and videos - enjoy the ride!

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ABMP on the Thoracic Spine - https://www.abmp.com/podcasts/ep-281-understanding-thoracic-mobility-ann-lynn-teachworth

ABMP Deepening Your Practice - https://www.abmp.com/podcasts/ep-217-deepening-your-practice-lynn-ann-teachworth

ABMP 5 Words to Inspire Any Practitioner - https://www.abmp.com/podcasts/ep-426-5-words-inspire-any-practitioner-kristin-coverly


Anterior Muscles of the Lower Leg - Exploring Structure, Function, and Energetic Concepts: https://www.massagetoday.com/articles/15454/Anterior-Muscles-of-the-Lower-Leg-Exploring-Structure-Function--Energetic-Concepts

Seeing your clients through an evolving lens: http://www.massageandbodyworkdigital.com/i/1078860-march-april-2019/66?

Massage Magazine Jan 2023 - Lower Back Pain Syndrome - the role played by pelvic biomechanics: https://magazine.massagemag.com/view/165391150/52/


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